DRC: the Congolese Battery Council presents its vision and launches the first feasibility study for the establishment of a metal refining unit

Monday December 11, 2023 – 8:51 p.m.

The Congolese Battery Council (CCB), a structure which manages the major pan-African project for the electric battery industry, presented its vision for almost a year on Monday, December 11, 2023 at the Hilton hotel in Kinshasa. after its creation in the presence of sector experts, representatives of government members, investors and others. Created on December 6, 2022, the CCB’s mission is to identify partnerships to attract investors, to promote

innovation in the electric battery sector and to develop technologies for processing the strategic minerals used in their manufacture.

The Congolese Battery Council (CCB) also ensures the supply of raw materials to manufacturers in the electric battery manufacturing sector.

“We continue to move forward in realizing the vision of His Excellency the President of the Republic Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi who has since the DRC Business Africa of 2021 decided to locally integrate in the DRC the value chain of batteries and electric vehicles in the context of the energy revolution underway at the global level to combat climate change. We must move away from the model inherited from the past which consists of exporting the products of our mining which are transformed abroad. By transforming them locally, we will harvest all the added value that results from them. This project is integrative and will be the basis of a unique development due to its scale for the DRC and its populations but also for the region and the African continent.” , declared on behalf of the responsible minister Julien Paluku, Saturnin Wangwamba Secretary General for Industry.

With the Canadian multinational CVMR represented by its CEO Khozan Kamran and its director of international affairs Bryan Mccollow, the CCB also launched its first feasibility study under the theme “The value chain in motion”. This study will last 6 to 8 months with a view to setting up the first metal refining unit.

“Today, we are gathered with the aim of sealing a partnership with a potential investor with whom we intend to conduct a feasibility study on the refining of metals, the second step in the value chain. The ambition is immense, the challenges There are many challenges to be faced, but the repercussions will be gigantic for the Democratic Republic of Congo and its inhabitants. The integration of the value chain will do enormous good for our country in terms of industrialization and development. This successfully completed project will of the Democratic Republic of Congo the backbone of regional development for decades to come and will become a model of sovereignty of its own resources. We must now jump on the bandwagon of the energy transition and become the center of it,” noted Dénis Lecouturier, Director General of the Congolese Battery Council (CCB)

Makimba Mungomba Jérôme, chairman of the board of directors (PCA) of the Congolese Battery Council (CCB) returned to the various stages already achieved while reassuring that the CCB has all the necessary working tools for its operationalization.

“I would like to inform here that in 2023, the Board of Directors of the CCB had to meet three times in ordinary session and 4 times in extraordinary session which allowed it to equip itself with all the necessary working tools to its operationalization as well as its implementation. The CCB can reassure you that the machine is in motion to realize the ambition of the Democratic Republic of Congo in a pan-African vision of contributing to the valorization of its exceptional mineral endowment through the development of a value chain of batteries and electric vehicles”, reassured the CCB PCA.

The draft decree establishing, organizing and operating this public establishment, the Congolese Battery Council (CCB), was adopted during the 71st meeting of the Council of Ministers. Presented by the Ministry of Industry, Julien Paluku, who indicated that the Congolese Battery Council is the technical structure supposed to monitor and evaluate the materialization of the commitments of the President of the Republic within the framework of the execution of this ambitious project of the competitive value chain of electric batteries. This structure provides the technical elements necessary for the government to ensure the supply chain of the minerals used in the manufacture of batteries. The Congolese Battery Council collaborates with Battery Councils of other States based on cooperation agreements between said States and the DRC.

Clement MUAMBA

Read more from original source: DRC: the Congolese Battery Council presents its vision and launches the first feasibility study for the establishment of a metal refining unit

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